As We Gather…

Worship and Prayer are at the heart of our faith community, acting to nourish and transform us as individuals and as community. The joyful tone of our Sunday worship, the more contemplative flavour of weekday prayer and Eucharist and a varied mix of special services give glory to God and challenge and strengthen us for ministry. We are a community that balances Word and Sacrament in the best of Anglican tradition, while remaining open to innovations that will include people of all ages and levels of church experience.

Please note we are in the process of editing and updating our website. Please call the church on Tuesday or Thursday mornings (705-789-2216) to ensure the most up to date information. Thank you for your patience.

Our Parish

We are a gathering of believers in the Living God and in His Son Jesus Christ who is made known to us through the Holy Spirit. For generations we have worshipped and thanked God for his goodness and faithfulness. At All Saints you will find an active Sunday School, enthusiastic and skilled choir, and opportunities both to grow in faith and to serve.

Pastoral Care continues its strong ministry in our parish through visits, prayers, companionship, phone calls and e-messages.  This committee strives to serve our Living God and seeks His strength to glorify Him through their work.  Please call or email the office if you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care at 705-789-2216; [email protected]

May the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding be yours.

The Wardens
Louis Tusz and Catherine West

Our Rector and Family

The Venerable Kelly Baetz has served as Incumbent of All Saints since February 2020 . She is married to Bill and has two teenaged children.

Ven. Kelly had been the incumbent at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church in Bracebridge for the past 14 years. She holds a Master of Divinity from Wycliffe College (University of Toronto) and an undergraduate degree in Journalism and English from Carleton University, Ottawa. Ven. Kelly is the Archdeacon for Muskoka Deanery.



  • In 1871, a service was held in the small house of Charles Morley, just north of the future settlement of Huntsville by a missionary from England, to a congregation of seven people.
  • In 1873, the Diocese of Algoma was formed and Huntsville became an out station with the services being held in a log building used jointly for the Anglican congregation and the Orange Lodge.
  • In 1876, the first settler of Huntsville, William Cann gave a piece of land by the river to the parish and the shell of a church hall was erected
  • In 1883, the Rev. Thomas Llwyd was appointed the first rector. He bought the present rectory. He was a man of great foresight. Another Hall was built with a driving shed for horses
  • In 1886, land was bought for a cemetery
  • In 1889, the Rev. Llwyd expressed the hope that a stone church could be built and plans were initiated
  • In 1894, Huntsville’s “Great Town Fire”destroyed the wooden Hall shown above and spurred the parish to finish the stone church.
  • In 1895 – June 5th, the first service was held in the new church. Architect, Robert Mitchell Ogilvie of Toronto. “All Saints Anglican Church (1894-95), a English Gothic work executed in local fieldstone.”
  • In 1903, before his death the Rev. Llwyd persuaded the parish to build a stone Parish Hall
  • In 1906, the Parish Hall became the centre of social life in Huntsville, with the first slide shows, travelling shows, a Toronto Opera company and ultimately movies.
  • In 1925-26, the sanctuary and chancel was enlarged, and the church stable behind the rectory was torn down.
  • In 1964 , under the guidance of Canon George Sutherland, the chapel was built and an addition to the organ loft , so the new pipe organ could be installed.
  • In 1989, All Saints’ Church Parish Hall, erected 1905, was named Sutherland Hall on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his ordination in honour of the Rev. Canon George Sutherland and his wife Jean for their devoted service to the church, and to our parish family and the Huntsville Community for over a span of 35 years.
  • In 1992, the parish, under the guidance of Archdeacon Eric Patterson, purchased the old Francis property adjacent to the church, to house the church office, church school and meeting space. This fine old house was designed and built in 1904 by William Proudfoot for parishioner Frederick Francis.
  • In 2000, significant modifications to Sutherland Hall were made to make it wheelchair accessible including a new power-entry door, an elevator between the Upper and Lower and Entry levels plus new washrooms on the upper Level.
  • In 2018, a new addition was added to our church in traditional Gothic style, to provide a new entrance, a much-expanded narthex or foyer, and an accessible washroom.

The Incumbents of All Saints’

1883-1903 – The Rev. Thomas Llwyd                        1934-1948 – The Rev. E. R. Nornabell
1903-1911 – The Rev. T. W. Balfour                              1948-1954 – The Rev. J. E. Hinchcliffe
1911-1914 – The Rev. E. J. Harper                                 1954-1990 – The Rev. Canon G. W. Sutherland
1914-1925 – The Rev. P. S. R. Law                                1992-1996 – The Ven Eric Paterson
1925-1926 – The Rev. P. Steed                                     1996-2001 – The Ven. Lynn Uzans
1927-1934 – The Rev. N. F. Smith                                2002-2019 – The Ven. Dawn Henderson



The plots at All Saints’ Anglican Cemetery are sold only to All Saints’ Parishioners and their families.

Please call for current costs. A portion of the money received through sale of plots is deposited with the Public Trustee of Ontario. Interest from this account is returned to the cemetery annually, to be used in grounds and monument maintenance.

Our cemetery is located at 455 Ravenscliffe Road, Huntsville, ON

       Past, Present and Future

The first page of our dog-eared, calfskin-bound Graves Register contains the following hand-penned entries…

  • Burial Board formed Easter 1887.
  • On resolution of Vestry – Easter 1887 – ten dollars was paid to G. Hutchings – in full of all claimed for clearing Cemetery Ground.
  • The Cemetery was consecrated on Friday the Fourth of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven, at three o’clock in the afternoon by the Right Reverend Edward Sullivan, Bishop of Algoma, the Reverend Thomas Llwyd, incumbent of Huntsville, acting as Chaplain. About twenty-five members of the Huntsville congregation attended. George Ecclestone and J.W. Jacobs, Warden. G. Hunt, Catechist.
  • Nov. 1887…The “Flat” was laid out in plots of 10 square feet by Joseph Silverwood.
  • 1890, July 8th. Burial Board met and staked out road for teams to drive in, turn round and leave. Said road made my Sam Mellor & G. Norton. Total outlay – $38.00.
  • 1896, August 25. The purchase of addition to cemetery – to give access from West Road – was effected by G.S. Wilgress, on behalf of Burial Board, from George Hutchins. Deed to be obtained from Hutchins, mortgage release to be got from H.S. May.
  • The “flat” as that portion of All Saints is called in the Register, was filled by sometime in the early ‘teens and a terrace was cleared part way up the east slope, making another 25 or 30 plots available. Then, in the late l950’s, a small triangular area southeast of the cemetery access road was surveyed, registered and plots were sold.
  • In l982 John Haigh, OLS, surveyed a road alignment to access the upper levels of All Saints and by l984 this road was completed to the common boundary with the Salvation Army cemetery, and twenty-eight plots were surveyed.
  • 1990 saw the installation of wrought iron gates and fence, together with imposing stone gateposts.
  • In the spring of 1992, the Cemetery Board took on a project to clear and prepare enough burial ground to serve our needs until the year 2020 and beyond.
  • In February 1992, after the Ontario Cemeteries Act was rewritten, the Diocese transferred ownership of the cemetery to our parish. The stewardship of the Perpetual Care Fund was transferred to the Public Trustee of Ontario. In response to this our first cemetery board was elected. A Rules and Regulations booklet was produced and financial records were set up in the secretary’s office. All interment records were copied to a computer database.
  • In 1993 a location map was installed in our cemetery to help visitors and family trying to locate gravesites.
  • Some content in this article has been extracted from All Saints Anglican Church Chronicles dated 1992 and 1998 by Joseph Stocking and Catherine West.
All Saints' Anglican Church - Huntsville, Ontario